A simple prayer to praise God

This is a simple prayer written by Bernie
with words bubling from his heart like a
glass of sparkling wine, whispering constantly
in his lips, and softly sung in his soul like
a lullaby ! … A prayer to share with you.

Any prayer, any wish,
Feel it in your bones,
It will come true !

頌 恩

天父 賜愛子
人間 伴我行
世途 多險惡
無須 惊与怕
全心 信賴主
乘风 与破浪
邪惡 尽滅蹟
温美 降人間
主恩 千生頌
主愛 万世傳

亞 孟

P.S. This Prayer, conceived in Chinese,
now tanslated into English, for your
reading and sharing.
Here it is :

**** Glory and Praise to God ****
Creator of Heaven
And Earth.
Maker and Father of
All Man .

God the Father, gave us Jesus, His Beloved Son.
To be born to our World, to walk with us side by side.
For it is a long and tortuous journey we have to go through.
In Him, we’ll find all the courage and strength to chase away
All the blues, all the wickedness, evil and vice .
And in Him, we’ll have no more fears, only be filled with pride.
We’ll glide along on top of waves and soar way up high,
Believing and trusting that He’ll bring back to all man,
Joy and cheers and Smiles.
!!! !!!
Let us give Him Glory and thanks !
To Him,
Our Loving God.
Today and Everyday
from Generations
to Generations
for Always and
With love and gratitude from Bernie.

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