An Epilogue to the “Stories of my Mom & Dad”
In reminiscence over the events of my Mom and Dad, there was one event concerning my Dad and Dr.Sun Yat-Sin which should not be overlooked. It was an event which demonstrated a very touching Friendship and Trust which Dr. Sun had for my Dad – an event which might have a far reaching impact into the fate of the Republic of China. This event was told to me by my Mom who was present at those visits from Dr.Sun. She was deeply moved by his deep sincerity, openness, understanding, far sight and immense love for the country and the people of China. This narrative from my Mom adds more to the authenticity, credibility and excitement of the ‘Stories of my Mom and Dad’. My Mom wanted all her children to know and to remember it as something worthy to be told – something reaching our hearts and souls.
* Who is who ? *
Dr, Sun Yat-Sin is well known as the Founder and the Father of the Republic of China. He successfully led the revolution to overthrow the Imperial Qing Dynasty. He was the First President of the New Born Republic. In his Cabinet of Ministers, my Dad (Abraham Lam) was his Military Chief, in command of all the armed forces of the Republic.
The names of Dr.Sun and Abraham were linked together throughout the revolution … through bitter battles … through life and death … through thick and thin … through sleepless days and sleepless nights. Their names, in the minds of the Chinese people, were images of complete dedication, of continuing fearless sacrifices, and of relentless efforts to achieve the ‘Aim and Purpose’ of the revolution which is the ‘Freedom and Equality’ for the people of China – within the nation and among all other nations.
* When is when ? *
It was at a Ministerial Meeting at the Presidential Headquarters when an issue was brought up on the need to establish a Military Academy to train cadet officers similar to the West Point Military Academy in the U.S.A. The Need was unanimously agreed upon, and subsequent motions of a suitable Site for the Academy and the allocation of Funds were also discussed, voted on and passed. There was, however, one issue remaining. It was the appointment of an appropriate person to head this Academy. This required much more elaboration and deeper consideration before a decision could be made. It was deferred for further discussion at the next session of Ministerial Meeting. There were two obvious candidates from among others on the list. One was Abraham Lam who was the current Commander-in-Chief of all armed forces, and the other one was Chang Kai-Shek who had just returned from Japan after completing his training with outstanding credits at the Japanese Military Academy, and who was serving as a member of the Staff Committee under the President. The choice between the two is a very sensitive one .
* Why is why? *
Why is the choice so sensitive and important ? To understand why, it is necessary to understand the very touchy political and military situations at that particular period when the New Born Republic was still in its cradle. There were multiple reactionary Warlords who outwardly pledged their loyalty to the Republic, but who inwardly were opposed to progress and reforms. There were then dominant insurgents lurking in wait to break up the republic. The whole situation is therefor like a Chessboard with all the playing pieces of both sides tensely hooked up – any false move of one piece would mean the losing of the whole game.
* The President in his jovial chatting mood *
It was in an evening in Mid-Autumn when the sky was tinted with glorious colorful sun-set clouds, and trees and plants were yellow and red and gold. It was an ideal evening for a stroll in the cool evening breeze to blend oneself with the soothing and cheering ‘Mother Nature’ – Dr.Sun, the President was one of those strollers. There was a ‘ ‘ ‘Knock, Knock’ at the door of the home of my dad and mom. The President entered apologizing for his unannounced visit.
Seated down with the warmest welcome from my dad and mom, and being offered with a cup of hot herbal tea, the President opened up his heart. Like in his own home and family, he chatted – chatting with the ease, joy and humor he was well known. The three, (President, dad and mom) began their chat with anything that came to their mind. Their talk covered a lengthy period of past, present and future. Their talk carried on until late in the night, unwilling to stop. At one point in the midst of their talk over some of the mistakes they made, though sensible at the time, but were very foolish and laughable.
While the President and my dad were still pointing their fingers and laughing at each other, my mom put in a very playful question to the President, asking ” Were you ever scared during those fearful battles ? The President replied, in his usual humor, that he would be the biggest Liar in the world if he said ” No ! “. He said that in each and everyone of those battles, his mind was so busily and fully occupied with the need to adopt different tactics to meet the ever changing battle conditions, that there was no room in his mind for fears. But, when the battle died down and the gun smoke cleared away …… with no more enemies in sight, his shirts and pants were soaking wet with either sweat or urine, or both! At those words, the threesome were truly hilarious!
At another point when the talk turned to current events, my mom asked the President for his views on China, nationally and internationally ?! The President said that all the nations of the world were watching closely with interest and curiosity how the young Republic was faring. He was happy that the steady and very obvious progress we made had amazed them and had won their acclaim and support. Agriculturally we had improved our irrigation system and had turned much arid land into crop producing fields. Loans were made to farmers to obtain modern machinery to enhance better farming. Communication-wise, new road and railway networks were quickly setup, with a quicker cargo flow and man flow. Commerce was stepped up with more ease and bigger profit. Educationally, better staffed and better equipped schools sprang up in cities, towns and villages. Enthusiastic and dedicated teachers came by the hundreds. from overseas. International relationships were improved by leaps and bounds. Extensive plans of student exchange were being implemented. They included scholarships for advance studies, in literature, music, arts, … in practically all fields of learning. Expert consultants came in from England, France, Germany and Russia … experts in hydro-electronics, in water dam construction, in engineering .. experts in science, commerce and industries. In short, China was hitting milestones after milestones in amazing speed. The outlook for China is indeed glowing with hope.
With this glowing hope, mom realized it was time to bring in some refreshments for the party. She set up a table with some roast pork and chicken, some vegetarian delicacies, some specially roasted peanuts, some fruits, and of course a bottle of Chinese wine. While the party were eating merrily and the conversation turned to more casual talks, the Clock struck 2 am which was really late in the night and was time to take the President home. Very reluctantly the party ended. My dad personally escorted the President to get home safely. The night was peaceful and calm ! The sky was starry and bright ! It was a night warm and unforgettable as an Autumn night could be !